"Writers In Conversation...
celebrating the African International Writers Day."

Jozi Art Projects


Newtown, 7th November, 1 p.m.
121, Bree Street, Newtown, South Africa
the wRite associates and jozi art:lab present
"Writers In Conversation...celebrating the African International Writers Day".
Shimmer Chinodya, Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali
and others
presenter: Sandile Ngidi
Shimmer Chinodya is one of Zimbabwe’s most celebrated post-independence literary writers. He won The Commonwealth Writers Prize, Africa region in 1990, for his critically acclaimed novel, Harvest of Thorns. His other publications include Dew in the Morning (1982), Tale of Tamari (2004) and Can we Talk and Other Stories... (1998), which was shortlisted for the Caine Prize for African Writing in 2000. Chinodya has written short stories, children’s books and film scripts. He has received numerous writing fellowships. From 1995-1997, he was Visiting Professor in Creative Writing and African Literature at the University of St Lawrence in the US. He was part of the writers in residence programme of the Sylt foundation in 2009.

Shimmer Chinodya